Western Blot Stripping Buffer, 500mL
- Western Blot Stripping Buffer (ab270550) is a robust, ready-to-use solution allowing primary and secondary antibodies to be quickly removed from nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes and, as a result, Western blots to be reprobed with different antibodies. This permits more time efficient experiments that use less sample by reusing membrane without having to rerun gels and blots. Using a PVDF membrane will minimize loss of sample protein when stripping.
- This product is manufactured by Expedeon, an Abcam company. Expedeon product code ECLB0500 was previously called Western Blot Stripping Buffer - 500ml and is the same as the 500 mL size of this product. Expedeon product code ECLB5000 was previously called Western Blot Stripping Buffer - 5L and is the same as the 5000 mL size.
- Liquid
Storage instructions
- Shipped at Room Temperature. Store at Room Temperature. Store at +4°C.
Storage buffer
- Constituent: 1.5% Hydrochloric acid
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